Let's commit to aid that listens.
Every day, women affected by conflict are shut out of basic decisions that affect their lives, putting them even more at risk. Humanitarian crises are hard for everyone, but women and girls face increased risk of violence, exhausting workloads to help their families survive, and lack control over decisions that impact their future.
Women who are forced to flee should find safe havens, not more danger, and should always have a say in decisions that affect them.
Together, we can ensure that women in conflict are not just protected, but powerful.
Add your name to change the way humanitarian aid is delivered. Let’s commit to aid that listens.
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Every day, women affected by conflict are shut out of basic decisions that affect their lives, putting them even more at risk. Humanitarian crises are hard for everyone, but women and girls face increased risk of violence, exhausting workloads to help their families survive, and lack control over decisions that impact their future.
Women who are forced to flee should find safe havens, not more danger, and should always have a say in decisions that affect them.
Together, we can ensure that women in conflict are not just protected, but powerful.
Add your name to change the way humanitarian aid is delivered. Let’s commit to aid that listens.
Join the campaign.